Darkener Plus 




Darkener Plus


impregnation which intensifies colour shades extremely well. Beginning of protective effect (20°C): approx. 24 - 48 h

Weather-resistant product with a long-term effect for indoors and outdoors. Intensifies colour and structure of fine ground and polished stone. Can be coloured with AKEMI Stone Ink in order to further intensify or change the colour of the stone surface. Transports the Stone Ink dyestuff into the stone’s pore system and has a long-lasting effect. Suitable for all fine ground and polished, absorbent natural and artificial stones such as marble, slate, Solnhofen slabs, sandstone, granite, gneiss and concrete blocks.

Product Image 1
Natural stone, Granite, Marble and limestone, Concrete ashlar, Terrazzo
Area of application
Flooring & stairs
Protecting & Impregnating
Fine-ground, Ground, Antique, Polished, Antique
Chemical basis
Method of application
Colour Container Size PU Item number
- bottle 1 l 6 10991